My First Time...with Chloe Seager
Chloe Seager grew up in East London with her Mum and much-loved cat, Katie. She studied English Literature and Drama at the University of East Anglia, where she sadly realised she couldn't act, but did rediscover her love of children's books. Children's Literature was one of her favourite modules, and it made her wonder why grown-ups ever stopped reading them. She now works with them full-time as a YA/Children's literary agent at Diane Banks Associates, and lives back in East London with her boyfriend and pet fish. Editing Emma is her first novel.

Here's the blurb...
'According to Netflix, this is NOT how my teenage life is supposed to look.'
When Emma Nash is ghosted by love of her life, Leon Naylor, she does what any girl would do - spends the summer avoiding all human contact, surrounding by the Chewit wrappers he left behind.
Seeing Leon suddenly 'in a relationship' on Facebook, however spurs Emma into action. She vows to use the internet for good (instead of stalking Leon's social media), chronicling her adventures on her new Editing Emma blog.
But life online doesn't always go smoothly.
From finding her Mum's Tinder profile, to getting catfished and accidentally telling the entire world while Leon Naylor is worth no girl's virginity...Surely nothing else could go wrong?
Describe the exact moment you decided to write your book.
I sort of have two moments! One was when I was 18 and started writing the first 10, 000 words, which I don't remember, but I do remember the moment I stumbled across it again age 22 and decided to keep writing it. With a four year gap I read it back as if someone else had written it, and I thought it sounded decent enough to finish.
What's the one thing you wish you'd known before starting to write it?
To not look at Goodreads.

What's your go-to procrastination method?
Twitter, Gilmore Girls and constant tea-making.
What was the biggest tantrum you had while writing your book?
Best thing about writing your book?
When someone else takes away from it exactly what you wanted them to.
And the worst?
The anxiety. And Goodreads.
Go-to writing snacks?
Chewits (a la Emma), Turkish Delight and Dairy Milk. And lemon cake.
Who or what inspires you to write?
Being made to laugh - laughter is so life affirming and important. It's also unbelievably difficult to do - I think things are only really funny if someone captures something true about human nature. I'm really inspired by comedians.
Read more My First Times>>>
The book that changed you?
Eleanor and Park.
Your pump up song?
Ready for it - Taylor Swift.
If you could share a bottle of wine with one writer, dead or alive, who would it be?
Louise Rennison.
One piece of advice you'd give first time writers hoping to get a book published?
Remember that rejection is part of the process for EVERYBODY with no exceptions (and that doesn't go away even when you do get published).
Chloe is speaking at The Riff Raff on November 9th - come meet her and hear all of her writing wisdom! Tickets available here>>>
Chloe also appeared on The Riff Raff podcast this week. What's that? You didn't know we had a podcast? Check it out!