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Being brave: Everything I learned from my creative writing masters
"I became bolder in my words and, crucially, in my determination to write them."

Let's get out of here
Why is the book set somewhere else? Have an answer for that and your journey has begun.

Who are your characters?
Do you actually know your characters, or are they yet to emerge?

It's not about the desk
There are benefits to be found in removing the notion that writing requires writing space, and in writing fiction around ongoing human life.

7 ways to deal with writer's jealousy
'I'm not a jealous person' - said no aspiring writer ever!

Three things I wish I'd known before I started writing my book
There are no rules. Or...are there?

The Riff Raff Podcast #23 - Emma Glass
See ya later writing rules - it's time to experiment!

My First Time...with Catherine Barter
Catherine Barter chats unwanted feedback, the power of Bruce Springsteen and how important it is for new authors to enter writing competitio

Here's my advice for new writers: tell the truth
All of it, all the time.
8 things writers just have to deal with
I mean technically you could wake up every morning, shower, put on your face, and your business suit before taking a seat at your carefully
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