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Farewell for now...
Hello lovely Riff Raffers! I want to apologise for the radio silence over the last few months. As I’m sure you can understand, it has...

Writers: How to avoid the current frazzle
"It made me recalibrate how to be a writer. I ended up relearning the way I ran my life, and it released me."

Rejection is a necessary evil
"Getting an agent isn't the end of the journey."

Being brave: Everything I learned from my creative writing masters
"I became bolder in my words and, crucially, in my determination to write them."

How entering writing competitions changed my life
Suddenly those 20,000 words were much more than a modest start. They were a teaser to the book I’d almost finished. I ended up interviewing

Embracing Chaos
The best ideas are the ones that drag you to places you never expected to be.

How can I write when everything’s changing so fast?
You don’t switch off Kramer vs Kramer because of Dustin Hoffman’s brown flares...

What's NOT needed for good character building
"There is a difference between liking a character and finding them interesting enough to keep reading about them."

Letting go of the Imagined Reader
"I had realised that if I wanted to write, I needed to banish the thoughts of that potential reader and their imagined judgements."

What exactly is a 'high concept' novel?
'The storyline has to be a product of the concept setting as much as possible.'
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